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NewsMarch 2004 SoftGenLock 2.0 alpha 3 released. Maintenance release with the pixel clock fixed. January 2004 SoftGenLock 2.0 alpha 2 released. This is a maintenance release with a few bug corrected and a more detailed README. December 2003 FlowVR is online at sourceforge. this is a new software that eases development and execution of virtual reality applications distributed on clusters and grids. FlowVR enables parallel code coupling and advanced coherency control between data flows. September 2003 Net Juggler 1.0.3 released. It supports VR Juggler up to version 1.0.7. August 2003 CLIC + Net Juggler + Athapascan Demo at Euro-Par 2003. We will bring a small cluster and video projectors to show a live demo of the Clic cluster distribution, Net Juggler and Athapascan at the EUro-Par 2003 Conference. The demos will be based on two main applications: an interactive fluid simulation and a cloth simulation. Refer to the publication Coupling Parallel Simulation and Multi-display Visualization on a PC Cluster for more details. Jully 2003 Siggraph 2003 Course 18: Commodity Clusters for Immersive Projection Environments . This Siggraph tutorial will give us the opportunity to present the CLIC cluster distribution, VR Juggler, Net Juggler and SoftGenLock. Jully 2003 Net Juggler 1.0.2 released. It supports VR Juggler up to version 1.0.7. June 2003 SoftGenLock 2 alpha has been released. This brand new version has been almost totally rewritten for more flexibility. The more important new feature is the specific support for NVIDIA cards. Using directly NVIDIA registers, instead of VGA registers like in SoftGenLock 1, solves the stability problems that some users may have encountered. May 2003 A publication giving some details about SoftGenLock algorithm and implementation was presented at at the IPT/EGVE'03 Workshop, May 2003, Zurich, Switzerland (Softgenlock: Active Stereo and Genlock for PC Cluster). March 2003 January 2003 Two demos applications for Net Juggler are available for download in the Gallery. October 2002 Net Juggler and VR Juggler pat of the Clic Mandrake Distribution. Clic is a Linux distribution dedicated to PC Clusters. It includes many tools to ease cluster installation and administration. When installing Clic, select Net Juggler in the front panel. Net Juggler will be installed with all the tools it depends on (VR juggler, mpich, qt, java, ...). You can now install a Net Juggler cluster in a few clics. Current Clic version includes Net Juggler 1.0.0 and VR Juggler 1.0.5. Clic is a Linux distribution dedicated to PC Clusters. It includes many tools to ease cluster installation and administration. When installing Clic, select Net Juggler in the front panel. Net Juggler will be installed with all the tools it depends on (VR juggler, mpich, qt, java, ...). You can now install a Net Juggler cluster in a few clics. Current Clic version includes Net Juggler 1.0.0 and VR Juggler 1.0.5. October 2002 July 2002: Net Juggler and SoftGenLock at Siggraph 2002. We presented the course 47: "Commodity Clusters for Immersive Projection Environments" at Siggraph 2002 with the Integrated Systems Lab and the Laboratrio de Sistemas Integraveis. During this course, the audience had the opportunity to see demos of different VR softwares for PC cluster (syzygy, dice, net juggler) on 3 different clusters (17 PCs were brought from ISL at Urbana-Champaing). Two different approaches to obtain active stereo were also presented (hardware approach with Wildcat cards and software approach withQoftGenLock running on Geforce 4 cards). Download the slides of the course. July 2002 Janurary 2002 July 2001 25th of June 2001 One day trip at INRIA: a cluster for the Workbench The SHPVR group was invited at INRIA by Sabine Coquillard, Head of the I3D Project. The goal of that journey was to try our cluster on INRIA's Workbench. We brought three nodes. Two would have been enough (one for each projector), but the third one was making a convenient control console. The graphics nodes were equiped with GeForce 2. We run Linux with Net Juggler and SoftGenLock. After some calibration work, we were able to run several applications with active stereo. We were pleased to have Gilles Kahn, Scientific Director of INRIA, as a suprised guest for a demo. Take a look at the few pictures we took. 23th of June 2001 First open source release of Net Juggler and SoftGenLock. The association of these libraries makes possible to run a VR Juggler application with active stereo and multi displays on a commodity component PC cluster. These softwares are the first we know to offer such features without requiring specific graphics cards. |