Net Juggler Guide
Jérémie Allard - Valérie Gouranton - Loïck
Lecointre - Emmanuel Melin
Université d'Orléans
Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans (LIFO)
45067 Orleans Cedex 2, France
Bruno Raffin
Laboratoire ID-Imag
38330 Montbonnot, France
15th of June 2001
First Revision, 9th November 2001
Second Revision, 26th of Jully 2002
Third Revision, 19th of September 2002
All the way through this book we assume the reader has some
experience with VR Juggler. If not, refer to VR Juggler
documentation (
This book is also about clusters. We define a cluster as a
set of computing nodes (or hosts) connected by a network,
where each node supports a single system image, but the
whole set of nodes does not. A set a linux PCs connected by
a ethernet network is a cluster, but not a SGI Onyx.
Net Juggler is a software laying on top of VR Juggler that
turns a cluster where each node supports VR Juggler into a
single VR Juggler image machine. In other words, from the
user's point of view it (almost) does not make any
difference to run a VR Juggler application on a cluster, a
single PC or a SGI Onyx (from the operational point of view
and not from the performance point of view).
A very high-quality multi display projection or active
stereo display requires the different video signals to be
genlocked (video signal synchronization). Net Juggler does
not include any support for genlock. If required, use
appropriate hardware and/or software for genlocking the
video signals (refer to
for the SoftGenLock solution).
Chapter 1 is about installing Net
Juggler and running a first application.
Chapter 2 details how to prepare and launch
an application. The chapters
are for readers interested in the
design and the implementation of Net Juggler.
Getting Started Guide
Net Juggler does not require any specific graphics card. In
particular, because Net Juggler implements a software
swaplock (swap buffer synchronization), graphics cards do
not have to support swaplock. Most of todays common 3D
accelerated graphics cards will ensure satisfactory results.
A very high-quality multi display projection or active
stereo display requires the different video signals to be
genlocked (video signal synchronization). Net Juggler does
not include any support for genlock. If required, use
appropriate hardware and/or software for genlocking the
video signals (see the SoftGenLock library that enables
genlocking and active stereo for linux clusters -
Net Juggler runs a copy of the VR Juggler application on
each node of the cluster. Thus, if computation precision
are not identical on each node, data may become incoherent.
Using a cluster with identical nodes guarantees that this
problem does not occur.
Any kind of network can be used, provided that a
communication API supported by Net Juggler is available
(currently MPI) and that the performance is sufficient.
Net Juggler uses synchronization barriers and data
communication instructions. Barriers are mainly used for
the swaplock. Because only input events are sent over the
network, bandwidth should not be a limiting factor.
Communication and synchronization time add extra latency in
the main loop and thus can affect interactivity. We
tested Net Juggler on a 4 node cluster with
- MPI over TCP/IP with an Ethernet network (10 Mbits/s),
- MPI over TCP/IP with a Fast Ethernet network (100 Mbits/s),
- MPI over GM with a Myrinet network (1.2 Gbits/s).
Performance was acceptable with the Ethernet network. With
the faster networks extra time induced by communications and
synchronizations was typically a few hundreds of
microseconds. This is not significant compared to the tens
of milliseconds required for a frame.
Net Juggler should support any operating system that VR Juggler supports.
This include IRIX, Linux, Windows, Free BSD and Solaris.
At the moment we only tested Net Juggler with Linux and
Windows. Please contact us if you successfully compile and
run Net Juggler on an other OS.
Net Juggler uses VR Juggler to run a copy of the application on each
node. Thus, VR Juggler should be installed on each node.
Note that VR Juggler should be patched (patch included in the Net
Juggler distribution) so that Net Juggler can be installed.
Net Juggler should support any graphics API that VR Juggler supports.
This includes OpenGL and Performer.
The present version supports OpenGL and Performer, but
swaplock support is not yet available for Performer.
Net Juggler is designed so that it can easily be ported on top of
various communication libraries. Currently only MPI is supported.
Thus, MPI should be installed on your cluster.
MPI is a widely available and is ported to almost any kind
of network. The two main MPI implementations over TCP/IP
for PC clusters are MPICH (
and lam-mpi ( We advice to use lam-mpi. It
is distributed in rpm format, which eases the installation
For specific networks higher performance MPI implementations
may be available. Here is a non exhaustive list of high
performance MPI implementations:
- MPI/Gamma supports various megabit and gigabit ethernet cards
- For Myrinet networks:
- MPI/gm (
is the vendor provided implementation and is ported
on various operating systems.
- MPI/HPVM ( is a high
performance implementation for Windows.
- MPI/BIP ( is a high
performance implementation for Linux.
Net Juggler GUI, NjRun, requires the QT library
( Be sure QT is installed on your
system. Most of Linux distributions (Mandrake, RedHat,...) come with QT.
Currently Net Juggler only work with VR Juggler 1.0.*. It
does not support yet the latest 1.1.0 and higher releases.
Download and uncompress the latest VR Juggler 1.0 source
code ( Set the VJ_BASE_DIR (vr juggler
installation directory), JDK_HOME (java installation
directory - required by VjControl, the VR Juggler
configuration program), LD_LIBRARY_PATH (VR juggler library
directory) environement variables (see the VR Juggler
documentation for more details).
Download the latest Net Juggler source code at
Unpack Net Juggler :
If your TAR version does not support unpacking gzipped tar files, execute
- % gunzip <netjuggler-distrib.tar.gz>
% tar -xvf <netjuggler-distrib.tar>
A new directory containing the source code is created (
We call it <netjuggler_source_dir>.
The <netjuggler_base>/patch directory contains
patches for different version of VR Juggler. Choose the
patch corresponding to you VR Juggler distribution
(vrjuggler-distrib.patch). If the corresponding
file does not exist please update your Net Juggler
distribution, or refer to chapter 4
for a description of the modifications that must be applied
to VR Juggler.
Go to VR Juggler source directory and apply the patch:
- % cd <vrjuggler_source_dir>
% patch -u -p 2 -i <netjuggler_source_dir/patch/vrjuggler-distrib.patch>
Compile and install VR Juggler activating the POSIX
performance flag (see the VR Juggler documentation for more details):
- % autoheader
% autoconf
% ./configure -enable-performance=POSIX
% make
% make install
To compile Net Juggler invoke configure and
make in the Net Juggler source directory:
- % cd <netjuggler_source_directory>
% configure
% make
Several options are available with configure
to customize Net Juggler. To obtain the list of these
- % configure -help
To install Net Juggler:
- % make install
The following environment variables as well as the
xhost + command should be included in your
~/.bashrc file for a personal installation, or
in a global configuration file like /etc/bashrc if
you have root access and want Net Juggler to be available to
all users. To force activating these configuration changes
you can source the file:
- % source ~/.bashrc
Check you did not forget the variables required for VR Juggler:
- % VJ_BASE_DIR=<vrjuggler_install_dir> ; export VJ_BASE_DIR
% JDK_HOME=<java_install_dir> ; export JDK_HOME
Set the NJ_BASE_DIR environment variable to the
directory where Net Juggler is installed:
- % NJ_BASE_DIR=<netjuggler_install_directory> ; export NJ_BASE_DIR
The USE_NETJUGGLER environment variable allows to
easily switch between a compilation for VR Juggler of for
Net Juggler. See 2.2.1 for more details.
To ensure a proper window management, you must tell the X
server of each PC controlling a display to grant access to
clients launched from distant hosts and to ensure windows
are not redirected to an other display:
- % xhost +
% DISPLAY=:0 ; export DISPLAY
Net Juggler includes several utility programs
Be sure the directory containing these programs is included
in your PATH. If not update your PATH environment
- % export PATH=NJ_BASE_DIR/bin:$PATH
To find the QT library, Net Juggler's GUI, NjRun, uses
the QTDIR environement variable. Be sure to instanciate it
properly :
- % export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt2
To check your VR Juggler installation works properly, compile and
run the cube application delivered with VR Juggler:
- % cd $VJ_BASE_DIR/samples/ogl/cubes
% gmake
% ./cubes $VJ_BASE_DIR/share/Data/configFiles/simstandalone.config
Point your mouse in the control window and you should be
able to control the head, the wand and the camera position
(see VR Juggler documentation for more details).
To check your Net Juggler installation works properly, compile and
run the cube application delivered with Net Juggler:
- % cd $NJ_BASE_DIR/doc/netjuggler/samples/cubes
% make
To launch the application use the NjRun GUI (Fig
). See section 2.5 for more details
about NjRun):
- % njrun # or $NJ_BASE_DIR/bin/njrun if not in
your PATH variable
Clic on the Settings button to open the Setting
window. There, clic on the button corresponding to the mpi
implementation you are using (panel MPI to use). NjRun
should have set the other parameters correctly.
Close the Settings window. In the main NjRun window, add
the following configuration files from the
$NJ_BASE_DIR/etc/netjuggler/config directory:
- cluster.base.config
Select the cube executable in the Program to execute panel:
- $NJ_BASE_DIR/doc/netjuggler/samples/cubes
Add the name of your current machine in the Nodes list.
Push the Launch button and the cube application should
start on your machine. You can control the camera position
with the mouse. To escape from the control window press the
Esc key. To stop the application clic the Kill button of
Figure 1.1:
NjRun main window
Repeat the operation adding 1 or two other nodes. When you
launch the application you should have a display window
open on each of these machines.
User's Guide
This chapter deals with all the steps required to run a VR
Juggler application on a Net juggler cluster.
In the main procedure of the VR Juggler application insert a
call to vjKernel::parseArg just after the vjkernel
- vjKernel* kernel=vjKernel::instance();
kernel->parseArg(&argc,&argv); //Added line of code
The variables argc and argv should not be used
before the parseArg call.
Check the application retrieves all input data through VR
Juggler input devices. If not, modify the application.
This is fundamental to run the application with Net Juggler.
Net Juggler runs a copy of the VR Juggler application on
each node of the cluster. To keep data coherency between
all application instances, Net Juggler runs on the cluster
only one instance of each VR Juggler input device and
broadcast the data to all the nodes of the cluster.
Any input event not retrieved through a VR Juggler input
device cannot be intercepted and broadcasted to the
different nodes of the cluster. The coherence of the
displayed images cannot be guaranteed. For example, assume
the application uses a time data. Once executed on a Net
Juggler cluster, each copy of the application will have its
own local clock, leading to potentially different time data.
The different projectors will potentially display images
corresponding to different times. The problem is solved by
retrieving the time data through a VR Juggler input device.
The Net Juggler distribution includes a VR Juggler time
input device (described in the following section). It can
be used has a pattern to develop other input devices, a
random generator input device for example. Please refer to
the VR Juggler documentation for more information about
input devices.
The time input device included in the Net Juggler
distribution is an analog input that returns the amount of
time taken by the last frame. It can be used to retrieve a
time data for physical simulations or other computations
that modify application states based on a time delay.
The TimeSystem input is implemented as a VR Juggler analog
input device. Use a vjAnalogInterface to access
- vjAnalogInterface mTime; // put this in your application class
In the vjApp::init(),
mTime must be initialized and named:
- mTime.init("Time"); // put this in your application init() method
When you need to obtain the time taken by the last frame,
usually in the preFrame method, you have to use:
- float dtime=mTime->getData(); // dtime contains the last frame duration
// in seconds (clamped to 1)
Then use dtime in your code to update the
application states.
Configuration Chunks for TimeSystem
TimeSystem is a standard VR Juggler analog input device that
requires configuration chunks that must be included in a
configuration file.
A chunk defines the TimeSystem device and an other
chunk the associated proxy. For a VR Juggler system, the
chunks are:
- vjincludedescfile
Name "timesystem.desc"
Name "TimeDevice"
Name "Time"
device { "TimeDevice" }
unit { "0" }
The juggler-config command
The juggler-config command provided with Net Juggler
returns the options required to compile and link a VR
Juggler application.
The command
- $NJ_BASE_DIR/bin/juggler-config -cflags
returns the compilation flags.
The command
- $NJ_BASE_DIR/bin/juggler-config -libs
returns the libraries required for the link edition.
Adding the vrjuggler option forces
juggler-config to return the flags or libraries required
for a VR Juggler compilation, while the netjuggler mpi
option forces juggler-config to return the flags or
libraries required for a Net Juggler compilation.
An other way to select between VR and Net juggler is to set
the environment variable USE_NETJUGGLER to yes.
In this case juggler-config default options are
netjuggler mpi, vrjuggler otherwise.
Check the possible options with juggler-config -help.
If your application only contains few source files you can
build it by directly invoking the compiler. All you need to
do is to use the juggler-config:
- % gcc -o <app_exe> <source_files> `juggler-config -libs \
-cflags<juggler_options>` <app_options>
- <app_exe>
- is the executable file name
- <source_files>
- are the application source files
- <juggler_options>
- are the Net/VR Juggler options
- <app_options>
- are the application specific
options and libraries
For example, if you want to compile the "cubes" sample
(<$NJ_BASE_DIR>/samples/vrjuggler/cubes) for Net
Juggler with MPI use :
- % gcc -o cubes cubes.cpp cubesApp.cpp `juggler-config -libs \
-cflags netjuggler mpi`
Note that juggler-config works exactly like
gtk-config from GTK+.
Have a look to <netjuggler_base>/samples/vrjuggler/cubes
for a sample Makefile for Net Juggler.
All you need to do is to use juggler-config to
define compiler flags and linker options. This can be done
by adding the following lines to your Makefile:
- CPPFLAGS= $(CPPFLAGS) `juggler-config -cflags netjuggler`
LIBS=$(LIBS) `juggler-config -libs netjuggler`
The VR Juggler configuration system is based on a set of
files containing "chunks". These chunks describe the
configuration of each system component. To run a VR Juggler
application on a Net Juggler cluster, the configuration
files should be modified (directly editing the files or
using VjControl) to include cluster related extra
informations. We describe the modifications required in the
following. Also refer to the cluster ready configuration
files delivered with Net Juggler ($NJ_BASE_DIR/Data/config).
Each configuration chunk must include a Host parameter. The
Host specifies the cluster node the chunk is applied to.
A Host parameter can take one of the following values:
- "" or "All" : chunk applied
to each host of the cluster
- "hostname" : chunk applied only to the
host specified
For example a User chunk that concerns each host
and a FrontDisplay chunk that concerns only the
host grappe7 should be defined as:
- JugglerUser
Name "User"
Host { "All" }
Name "FrontDisplay"
Host { "grappe7" }
The following general rules can be observed to define the Host
- A display surface applies to one host only.
- An input device applies to one host only.
- An input proxy is a special case treated in the
next section.
- All other chunks apply to all hosts.
The host names in the config files are used literally, i.e.
there is no name resolution. When launching an application
Net Juggler collects the names of the different hosts with
the gethostname function call. To know if a host is
concerned by a chunk of config data, Net Juggler compares
the string extracted from the config data with the host name
returned by the OS and with the smae host name without the
domain name (all caracteres following the first "." are
reomoved). If there is something wrong about the host names
you will experience error messages like stream 1 has
bad source host -1.
Input Proxies
A VR Juggler application never directly accesses an input
device but uses an intermediate proxy device.
Net Juggler extends this approach to define a new class of
input proxies, the "shared" proxies. On a cluster, an input
device, a wand for example, is connected to one node, but the
data must be broadcasted to all other nodes. When a "shared"
proxy is encountered, Net Juggler knows that the data
retrieved from that proxy must be broadcasted to each node
of the cluster. This solution is elegant as it requires no
modification of the application code.
A shared proxy chunk is similar to a standard proxy chunk
except that the chunk name is prefixed by Shared.
The Host parameter of a shared proxy chunk is
interpreted as the source of the shared data. Thus, the
Host parameter must be the same as the Host
parameter of the associated input device.
For example, the following chunks define a shared proxy for
the TimeSystem input device running on pc1 (see
for more
details about TimeSystem).
- vjincludedescfile
Name "timesystem.desc"
Name "TimeDevice"
Host { "pc1" }
Name "Time"
Host { "pc1" }
device { "TimeDevice" }
unit { "0" }
Note that standard input proxies can be useful on a cluster.
For example, a keyboard can be associated to a node
only to change the viewport of the display associated
with that node. In that case, the keyboard proxy should not be shared.
The template configuration files are generic configuration
files where hosts parameters are instanciated with template
host names like @pc1@, @pc2@, .... Net Juggler comes
with two utility programs, netjuggler-buildconfig and
njrun, that uses these template configuration files to
generate configuration files instanciated with the actual
names of the hosts of your cluster. Working with these
template configuration files save time when moving between
different clusters.
The configuration files distributed with net Juggler are
template files.
The njrun utility is described in
section 2.5.
By default netjuggler-buildconfig takes the
template files from the
$NJ_BASE_DIR/etc/netjuggler/config directory to create
configuration files in the
$NJ_BASE_DIR/etc/netjuggler directory. Template host
names are replaced by real host names based on the data
contained in the
$NJ_BASE_DIR/etc/netjuggler/hosts.txt. The default
behavior of netjuggler-buildconfig can be modified
with the -list (file of template/actual host
association) -source (template directory)
-destination (generated configuration files) options.
Use netjuggler-buildconfig -help to obtain the
full list of available options.
We detail here how to launch an application directly calling
the MPI launcher scirpt, mpirun. However, we advice
to use the NjRun utility that hides many ugly details
you have to take care about otherwise. See
section 2.5 for more details.
Generally MPI implementations include a mpirun
script. The arguments of the mpirun script must
include the VR Juggler application you want to execute, how
many processes you want to execute, generally one per node,
and the configuration files. Note that the mpirun
is not standard. The syntax may vary from one implementation
to the other.
For example, the mpirun command delivered with the
MPICH implementation is used to launch the "cubes"
application on 4 nodes using the cluster configuration
files as follow:
cd \$NJ_BASE_DIR/doc/netjuggler/samples/cubes
mpirun -np 4 cubes \
\$NJ_BASE_DIR/etc/netjuggler/cluter.base.config \
\$NJ_BASE_DIR/etc/netjuggler/cluster.netconnect.config \
\$NJ_BASE_DIR/etc/netjuggler/cluter.displays.config \
To run the application in simulator mode, change the
configuration files:
mpirun -np 4 cubes \
Here are some essential mpirun arguments :
- -np
- <num>: Number of process to launch.
- -machinefile
- <file>: Configuration file containing
the cluster node list.
- -nolocal
- : Do not launch a process on the
local host.
A comfortable situation for running a VR Juggler application
on a PC cluster is to have an extra PC on your cluster that
you can use as a control console. Start linux on your 5
PCs. Just start X on the console PC. From that PC, remotely
launch X on the other PCs (use an xterm for each PC):
- % rsh pc1 X
% rsh pc2 X
% rsh pc3 X
% rsh pc4 X
This way you can easily control X launching and see error
messages if X is not set correctly.
In a fifth xterm you can launch your VR application:
- % mpirun -np 4 -nolocal -machinefile mpi.conf cubes. ...
where mpi.conf should look like:
- pc1
The PC console can also be used to launch VjControl, the VR
juggler configuration tool, to control dynamically the
cluster configuration.
NjRun allows to launch a VR Juggler application on a Net
Juggler cluster with a few clicks. NjRun takes the list of
nodes, the MPI library and template configuration files
specified by the user. It generates the appropriate files
and scripts and launch the application.
NjRun is programmed in C++ with the Qt library ( ), which makes it functional under Win32
and Posix environments. All the values you enter are saved
in a NjRun.conf located in your HOME directory under Posix
and "Application Data" in your profile under Win32. There is
also a historic of your previous values for a convenient and
fast access to your favorite programs or MPI
To launch NjRun (Fig 1.1:
- % NjRun # or $NJ_BASE_DIR/bin/NjRun if not in
your PATH variable
Prior to run your application, you need to set up some
parameters. Click on the "Settings" button to open the
appropriate window (Fig 2.1).
Figure 2.1:
NjRun settings window
- Place to save configuration files : The
directory where configuration files generated by NjRun
will be saved (you must have write permissions in this directory).
- Path to templates : Directory containing the
template configuration files to use
- Favorite Editor : the editor you want to use to
open/modify configuration files or template configuration
- MPIRUN location : Path to the mpirun script to
- MPI to use : The mpi implementation to use. By
selecting the correct MPI implementation corresponding to
the mpirun script you whish to use, you tell NjRun what
syntax accept this script. In case you mpi implementation
is not supported, select the "None" radio button. NjRun
will use a default syntax that you should customize by
hand (this "go" script is saved in the ``Place to save
configuration files" dirctory).
The main window of NjRun is divided in 5 main parts :
- Toobar : By Default NjRun save the current
configuration in the .NjRun.conf file in your HOME
directory. To save/load other configurations use the
Save and Load buttons. It is very convenient to
use this feature to quickly switch between applications.
Just save each configuration in a different file and load
the appropriate file when required.
- Nodes : The add button allows to add a new node
to the cluster description. The order the nodes are
stored is important. NjRun goes from the top to the bottom
of this list and replace all the occurrences of
@pc1@ in the configuration files by the first name of
the list, all the occurrences of @pc2@ in the
configuration files by the second name of the list, etc. A
node can be removed from the list by selecting it and
clicking the Remove button. A node can be move up or down
in the list by selecting it and using the up and down
arrows. A double click on a node allows to change its
properties. Note that njRUn requires the template
configuration files to use the @pc1@,
@pc2@,...,@pc999@ template host names.
A click on the Force hosts for input and display
proxies button allows to overwrite the default behavior
of template/actual host name association. The right hand
side list contains all the proxy extracted from the
configuration files listed in the Configuration
files panel. Select a proxy and a node and link them
clicking the Link button. the host parameter of
that proxy will then be instantiated by that node in the
configuration file NjRun generate.
- Configuration files : Use the Add and
Remove buttons to build the list the of configuration
files required by the application. The configuration files
are template files. You can also edit and modify a file
by double click. The right hand side button Template
Mode allows to toggle between template/actual files.
This is convenient if you want to modify only the actual
files and not the templates.
- Program to execute : Select the executable of
the application you wish to launch.
- Generate/Launch/Kill buttons :
- Just Generate Files : Generate all files
required to launch the application. These files include
the configuration files, the list of nodes, and a
go script containing the launch command.
- Launch : NjRun generates up-to-date files if
no file has been generated yet or if some modifications
occurred. Netx, it launches the application.
- Kill: Kill the running application.
There are several MPI templates included with NjRun, but you
may be interested in creating your own. Go to the templates
directory. The MPI templates are the *.mpi files.
If you look at the existing ones, you will notice the
templates are made of three lines :
- Syntax of a line for the list of hosts required by
mpirun. For example, if mpirun requires in
this field the number of processors to use per node, the whose lines are
alike :
node1 2
node2 2
node3 2
Your first line of the template should be
@pc@ 2 Second line : 'pre' argument => mpirun argument to
place before the call to the executable This is needed for
example with Lam MPI if you wish to optimize the network
accesses using the -c2c argument. Your second line should
be :
Of course, you can specify several arguments in this line
Third Line : 'post' argument => mpirun argument to place
after the call to the executable and its own arguments
Useful for example with the MPD daemon of MPICH when you
want to specify environment variables to define on each
node, using -MPDENV- :
-MPPENV- VJ_BASE_DIR=/usr/local
Juggle with several configureration
In order to ease the frequent use of several Net Juggler
programs, NjRun can load and save different configuration
sets. To do this, use the corresponding buttons in the
toolbar which allow to save the program configuration to
another file of your choice (rather that .NjRun.conf in
your HOME directory). These files include all the settings
from the save moment, including the historic.
Override Proxies / Host association
By default, the replacement of tags in template
configuration files is made according to the order of the
nodes specified in the nodes list. Now, what if you want to
assign a particular proxy to a specific node without editing
the templates files ? (eg : the keyboard)
You can force this association by checking the "Force hosts
for input and display proxies". The list contains all the
proxy names that have been parsed in the configuration
files. When selecting a proxy and a node to the left, then
clicking the "Link" button, you force the node to manage the
proxy, no matter the order of the node in its list.To
restore a proxy name (unassign the link), just double click
on it
You can also specifiy which proxies have to be parsed by
clicking the "Proxies List" button. There a window appears
and you can add, remove or edit elements of the list by
double-clicking on them.
Design Guide
Net Juggler was developed with the following goals:
- No modification should be required to run a VR juggler
application on a cluster.
- Launching the application should not require the user
to access each node.
- Configuring the cluster should not require the user to
access each node.
- All VR Juggler features, like run-time reconfiguration
or performance data collection, should be available on a
- Net Juggler should be as transparent as possible such
that any new feature that could be added in future VR
Juggler releases, should be also available on a cluster,
ideally with no porting effort.
- The required modifications to VR Juggler code should
be minimal.
- Net Juggler organization should respect the VR Juggler
organization (micro-kernel architecture).
- Net Juggler should ensure high performance executions.
In particular, communication and synchronization costs
should be minimized.
- Net Juggler should include a software swaplock support
for the clusters that do not have hardware swaplock
- No cluster node should have a master position for
better scalability.
We present in this chapter how Net Juggler was designed to meet
these goals.
To run a VR Juggler application on a cluster we adopted a
simple parallelization paradigm: each node of the cluster
runs its own copy of the application with its own local
parameters, like the viewport for instance. Obviously,
input devices are not duplicated. Thus to ensure data
consistency across the different copies, input events are
broadcasted to each node. This parallelization can easily be
hidden fom the user, it is scalable and ensures that the
amount of data to communicate is small. The main drawback
is that it can lead to redundant computations. Future works
will address this problem.
The user of a VR application needs different input devices
to interact in real-time with the application, like gloves,
keyboards, trackers... VR Juggler collects these inputs and
forward them to the application. The approach is the same
with Net Juggler except that a given input device is
connected to one given node only. Consequently, Net Juggler
must get the inputs from the device, and broadcast the
collected data to each node of the cluster.
Let us explain more specifically how Net Juggler gets the
input data and how it broadcasts them.
VR Juggler manages each input through a driver (vjInput
class). This driver is connected to a proxy (vjProxy class)
that forwards the data to the application.
We could use specific drivers to transmit data. We would
associate a server input driver to the node the device is
connected to, and a client input driver for the other nodes.
The main advantage is that it is very easy to add new
drivers in VR Juggler. We just need to instantiate a client
class and a server class for each kind of input driver. The
drawback is that every single device driver would require a
client and a server input driver. This may be pretty
We did not adopt this solution, but we translated it at the
proxy level. Instead of having client and server input
drivers, we have client and server proxies. Proxies provide
an abstraction of input drivers and thus their number is
limited and should not increase significantly in the future.
This approach only requires to modify the vjProxy
class in VR Juggler so that we can derive it. Also note
that a VR Juggler proxy stores a pointer to its input
driver. It is used to detect if the driver is connected or
not. For a server proxy this is the same. For a client
proxy the pointer is set to null.
The system configuration is very important in VR Juggler. It
can be controlled by files given when starting the program,
or by requests sent during the execution from VjControl. The
system configuration is seen like a list of chunks, each
chunk having some informations about a part of the system
(display, input,...).
One goal of Net Juggler is to use only one global
configuration for the whole cluster, allowing at the same
time to have nodes with different configurations ( different
viewports for example). We add a "Host"
parameter to a configuration chunk that can be equal to
"All" or to a node name. It points out
that the considered chunk applies to all nodes of the
cluster or only to the specified node.
The chunk associated to each couple of a client/server proxy
is renamed by taking the regular VR Juggler proxy name
prefixed with "Shared". The
parameter "Host" has then a
different semantics: it points out the node that runs the
server proxy, all the other nodes having a client proxy.
Configuration chunks are stored in a data base on each node
before being transmitted to VR Juggler. We want each node to
know the whole cluster configuration to avoid to centralize
configuration informations on one specific node or to have
to handle scattered chunks when the user asks for the
Each node has a configuration filter to select the chunks
that must be applied locally.
To dynamically configure VR Juggler, VjControl connects to
VR Juggler through a TCP connection and sends configuration
requests to vjConfigManager.
We extend this concept to Net Juggler. VjControl can connect
to any node of the cluster running a configuration server.
Configuration requests are intercepted and broadcasted to
all nodes before being stored in each local data base and
forwarded to the configuration filter.
Note that we keep two open port per node. The "old" VR
Juggler port opened by the environment manager and the Net
Juggler port. The global cluster configuration can be
obtained and modified by connecting VjControl to the Net
Juggler port. Through the VR Juggler port only local node
informations can be retrieved. It is convenient for
debugging purpose or to retrieve performance data. However
this connection should not be used to modify the node
Communications must take place to broadcast configuration
requests and input data. For performance purpose these data
transfers must be carefully managed.
We use and extend the classical stream paradigm to represent
data communication between nodes. There is one stream by
server proxy and by configuration server. A stream is
associated to a specific node source and can have several
destination nodes. Each stream is identified by a unique id
number and can be created, deleted or modified at run-time.
The abstraction level provided by the streams hides the
actual data movements that take place at a lower level.
Data communications take place only once per frame. When a
node writes into a stream, it builds a message containing
the data and appends it to the buffer of pending
messages. When the communication actually takes place each
node broadcasts its buffer to each other node. This
collective communication operation is usually called an
Configuration events can take place at any time and cause
buffers to have an unpredictable size. The adopted semantics
for the allgather requires all nodes to know the size of the
messages they will receive. When the allgather is executed,
it sends input data and a special message indicating the
size of the reconfiguration data. If this size is different
from 0 a second communication step is triggered to send the
list of the reconfiguration messages.
To ease portage to different communication libraries, Net
Juggler has a communication interface hiding the library
VR Juggler triggers the following sequence of actions when
launched: the config files are loaded, next the kernel
starts and only after the application is associated to the
kernel. Though not really used, it should also be possible
to change the application at run-time.
Net Juggler reuses the same sequence of actions. To ensure
that the application is started on each node with the same
context (same configuration and same input data), a
synchronization barrier is required.
Net Juggler architecture is organized as follow3.1:
The role of the different modules is:
- NetKernel is Net Juggler kernel. It derives from VR Juggler
kernel (vjKernel).
- NetConfigManager stores the cluster configuration and the
pending chunks.
- NetStreamManager is responsible for stream management.
- NetInputStream gathers the classes related to shared inputs,
i.e. the client and server versions of VR Juggler proxies.
- NetConfigStream is in charge of:
- the connection to VjControl ;
- the stream of configuration requests.
- NetMessage contains the classes that define the message object.
- NetAPI is an abstract interface defining the communication primitives.
- NetKernel : Modify the VR Juggler kernel.
- netstreammanager: Pointer to the NetStreamManager
initialized in the initConfig method.
- netconfigmanager: Pointer to the NetConfigManager initialized in the initConfig method.
- initConfig(): Overload the vjKernel function. Call
vjKernel::initConfig() and initializes the NetAPI, the
NetStreamManager and the NetConfigManager.
- controlLoop(): Main kernel loop. Similar to
vjKernel::controlLoop(), but also activate the NetStreamManager
and the NetConfigManager.
- loadConfigFile(): Overload the vjKernel method.
Send pending configuration chunks to the NetConfigManager.
- checkForReconfig(): Overload the
vjKernel method. Filter the pending
reconfiguration chunks provided by
NetConfigManager and then call the VR Juggler
checkForReconfig() method.
The derivation of the vjKernel class allows to add the
functionalities required by Net Juggler. This approach
enforces modularity but requires the modification of the
vjKernel and the singleton system (see
section 4).
The NetAPI can be seen as a manager. It is
initialized and controlled by the NetKernel. It does
not interact directly with other managers to respect the
micro-kernel organization.
- NetConfigManager : Stores the current cluster
configuration and the pending configuration requests.
Each node must store the current cluster configuration to
answer VjControl requests.
NetConfigManager has the same methods than
vjConfigManager but the former holds the cluster
configuration and the latter the local node configuration.
NetConfigManager does not filter the pending chunks
not to create a dependence with the
NetStreamManager, which would be in opposition with
the micro-kernel architecture. Filtering takes place in the
NetKernel:checkForReconfig() methods.
- NetStreamFactory: Create Streams.
- registerStream(): Record a new stream.
- recognizeStream(): Check if a chunk corresponds
to a stream.
- createChunk(): Create the needed chunks for
adding or removing a stream.
- NetStreamManager: Manage the streams.
- list_stream: List of the streams used.
- init(): Initialization.
- close(): Close the class.
- setSource(): Set a stream source node
(overwrite the previous source if already set).
- addDest(): Add a destination node to a stream.
- removeSource(): Remove the stream source node.
- removeDest(): Remove a destination node to a stream.
- addStream(): Add a new stream.
- removeStream(): Remove a stream.
- shareData(): For each stream, the data
written in the stream by the source node are sent to the
destination nodes.
- recognizeStream(): Check if a stream is already recorded.
- configStreamAdd(): Add a stream with
addStream() and create the associated chunks
with createChunk().
- configStreamRemove(): Remove a stream with
removeStream() and create the associated chunks
with createChunk().
- NetStream: Define the stream object.
- source: Source object (server) of the stream.
- id: Stream id.
- max_size: Stream max size.
- source_host: Rank of the source node.
- dest_list: List of destination objects
(clients) of the stream.
- id(): Return the stream id.
- sourceHost(): Return the rank of the source node.
- addDest(): Add a destination node to list_dest.
- removeDest(): Remove a destination from list_dest.
- hasSource(): test if the stream source is set.
- setSource(): Set the source node of the
- writeMsg(): Write a message into the stream.
- readMsg(): Read a message from the stream.
- NetDest: Stream destination.
- stream_id : Stream id.
- readMsg(): Read a message from the stream.
- init(): Initialization.
- NetSource: Stream source.
- stream_id: Stream id.
- writeMsg(): Write a message into the stream.
- init(): Initialization.
The class NetStreamFactory is similar to a VR Juggler
The NetStreamManager manages streams and is also
responsible for filtering stream configuration chunks.
- vjServerProxy: Connected to an input device
driver like a vjProxy, but also responsible for
writing the retrieved data in an associated stream.
- vjClientProxy: Retrieve input device data
from a stream. The associated input device driver runs on
a distant node. Its data are intercepted and written in
the stream by the vjServerProxy running
on the distant node.
- vjServerAnalogProxy: Example of a
vjServerProxy instantiation.
- writeMsg(): Write the data received from the
input driver into the associated stream.
- vjClientAnalogProxy() : Example of a
vjClientProxy instantiation.
- readMsg(): Read the data from the stream.
The vjServerProxy and vjClientProxy classes are
templates that can be used for any type of proxy
(vjAnalogProxy in this example).
- vjClusterConnect: Manage the connection to VjControl for the
cluster configuration.
- buf: Buffer containing the received pending requests.
- config(): Initialize the connection.
- writeMsg(): Write the pending requests in the configuration
- NetConfigStreamParser:
Receive the pending configuration requests and
transmits them to NetConfigManager.
- config(): Initialization.
- readMsg(): Read the received the pending configuration requests
from the configuration stream and forward them to NetConfigManager.
- NetEnvironmentServer: Manage the list of connections
and the associated sockets.
- connections: List of connections.
- listen_thread: Thread listening on connection port.
- port: Port number.
- listen_socket: Passive socket listening on port.
- configured_to_accept: Boolean set to true
if NetConnect can accept connections.
- connections_mutex: Used to control concurrent accesses.
- writeMsg(): Call the method
writeMsg() of each vjClusterConnect.
- config(): Configuration.
- is_Accepting(): Test if a connection is possible.
- connectHasDied(): Test if the connection is
still active.
- sendRefresh(): Tell VjControl it should
refresh its image of the cluster configuration.
- configCanHandle(): Test if the chunk can be
added to the list of chumks to be processed.
- getChunkType(): Return chunk type.
- controlLoop(): Control the thread main loop.
- getConnect(): Return a connection.
- acceptConnections(): Test if connections can be accepted.
- rejectConnections(): Deny connections.
- killConnections(): Kill all connections.
- removeConnect(): Remove a connection.
- NetMsg: Message handling.
- buf_size: Size of the buffer
containing the message.
- buffer: Pointer to the buffer.
- cur_size: Current message size.
- cur_pos: Current position in the buffer.
- read(): Read n bytes in the
buffer from cur_pos.
- write(): Write n bytes in the buffer
from cur_pos and update cur_size.
- getPos(): Return cur_pos.
- seek(): Set cur_pos to a given position.
- getSize(): Return cur_size.
- getData(): Return the starting address of the
message stored in the buffer (usually the starting address
of the buffer).
- append(): Append a given message at the end
of the message already stored in the buffer. Update
cur_size and cur_pos accordingly.
- NetMsgList: Higher level message handling
- readMsg(): Read the next message stored
in the buffer.
- writeMsg(): Add a message in the buffer.
- fillSize(): Add a ghost message in the
buffer. This method is used for message padding.
The buffer is the space reserved to store a message. A
message can be a concatenation of smaller messages. The
methods of NetMsgList hides the details of
reading and writing a message from a list (or concatenation)
of messages.
Message copies can significantly affect communication
performance, in particular for large messages (what is
considered large depends on the network). Specific protocols
are developed to avoid messages recopies. Not to limit the
benefits of such protocols, Net Juggler should also avoid
message copies, even if message size is typically small (a
few hundreds of Kbytes).
- NetAPI: Define the network interface used by NetJuggler
- nb: Number of nodes.
- rank: Node rank.
- gather_max_size: Maximum size of the
messages sent by the sources for the allgather.
- gather_source: Source list for the allgather.
- init(): Initialize the communication API.
- close(): End.
- initGather(): Set the source nodes and the
message maximum size parameters for the
- allGather(): Each node receives
the message sent by each source node (equivalent to a
gather followed by a broadcast).
- broadcast(): The source node sends a message
to each other node.
- recv(): Wait until a message is received
from the source node.
- send(): Send a message to the destination
- barrier(): Synchronization barrier between
all nodes.
- nbHost(): Return the number of nodes.
- localRank(): Return the local node rank.
- localName(): Return the local node name.
- getRank(): Return the rank from a given
node name.
- getName(): Return the node name from a given
node rank.
Splitting the allgather in an initialization function
InitGather and a communication function
AllGather allows to avoid repeating unnecessary
The Init function may contain the code necessary to
build a data base storing the correspondence between node
ranks and node names. This data base is then accessed using
the getRank and getName methods.
This section shows the calling order of the main Net Juggler
The main function of the application launches
InitConfig() that sets the NetAPI and the
NetStreamManager. The NetStreamManager
initializes the AllGather() parameters. At each
iteration of the main loop, the kernel calls the
shareData() function that is divided in 3 steps. Each
source node stores in a buffer the concatenation of the
messages to send. The allgather communication takes place.
Each destination node reads the received data.
Before configuration chunk are passed to VR Juggler, they
pass through a configuration filter implemented in
NetKernel::checkForReconfig. The filter detects stream
chunks and filters out non local chunks depending on the
host parameter. The following diagram shows the filter main
For each chunk processed, 3 cases are possible. They are
described in the following sections.
Stream chunks are associated to shared objects, for example
a shared proxy. The configuration filter must first
recognize this kind of chunk. The chunk is then passed to
NetStreamManager to create the stream and generate two
chunks, one for the client and one for the server. Theses
chunks are added to the list of chunks to be processed.
They are not directly passed to VR Juggler as they may not
be local. For example the server is only instanciated on one
host. The initial stream chunk is next added to the current
cluster configuration.
To detect a local chunk, the filter uses the isLocal
method, passing as argument the host parameter of the chunk.
If the host parameter corresponds to "All" or to the
local host name, it is added to VR Juggler's
vjConfigManager pending chunk list. It is also added to
the current cluster configuration.
A non local chunks is a chunk that failed the preceding
tests. If this chunk name also appears in the current local
VR Juggler configuration, this means that it moved to a
distant node. It must be removed from the the local VR
Juggler configuration. It is next added to the current
cluster configuration.
Implementation Guide
The section details the modifications VR Juggler requires to
support Net Juggler. A patch that should prevent you from
doing it by hand is included in the Net Juggler distribution
(see section
). These
modifications do not affect the VR Juggler overall
architecture. In the future, they may be directly included
in the main VR Juggler distribution.
Net Juggler tries whenever possible to derive VR Juggler
classes instead of modifying directly the VR Juggler code.
This requires the modified methods to be declared
virtual, which is not always the case (no one ever thought
that vjKernel::checkForReconfig could be
The affected classes are:
- vjKernel
- vj*Proxy
- vjConnect
The vj*Proxy:config method checks Chunk types.
Because Net Juggler defines two new proxy types (client
proxy and server proxy), the test must be modified
accordingly. For example the vjAnalogProxy test must
be modified as:
- vjASSERT(((std::string)chunk->getType()) == "AnaProxy"
|| ((std::string)chunk->getType()) == "AnaClientProxy"
|| ((std::string)chunk->getType()) == "AnaServerProxy");
VR Juggler 1.0 implementation leads to compilation problems
when proxies and input devices are registered externally to
VR Juggler. These problems are related to the template
classes vjDeviceConstructor and
vjProxyConstructor constructors that are defined in the
.cpp files and not in the .h.
To compile Net Juggler you need to move the corresponding
code in the .h files
Input/InputManager/vjProxyFactory.h and
The InputManager produces an error when a proxy is
added without an attached input device. Net Juggler requires
such a possibility because client proxies are not attached
to an input device. The methods
vjInputManager::add*Proxy in the
Input/InputManager/InputManager.cpp file must be modified
to accept stupified proxies.
On Win32 systems, the vjTimeStamp class is not
implemented, hence Net Juggler timer can not work. You must
add an empty diff method in vjTimeStampNone
(file Performance/vjTimeStampNone.h to be able to
- //: returns 0.0
inline float diff (const vjTimeStampNone& t2) const {
return 0.0;
We describe the method we chose to call a derived class
constructor without explicitly calling it to improve code
modularity. For sake of clarity we concentrate on Net
Juggler kernel creation, but this method also applies to
other classes, for example the NetAPI and
NetAPI_MPI classes.
The vjKernel class is called a "singleton" because
only one instance of that class can be created. This is
achieved by hiding the call to the constructor in a
intance method. This method creates the kernel instance if
it does not already exist, and returns the instance address.
Because a VR Juggler application needs a pointer to the
kernel instance it has a pointer to the kernel initialized
with the instance method:
vjKernel* kernel = vjKernel::instance();
On a Net Juggler cluster, an instance of the NetKernel
is required instead. A solution would be to modify
each application to call the instance method of the
NetKernel class:
vjKernel* kernel = NetKernel::instance();
To avoid such a modification, we take advantage of the
singleton system and modify its implementation (see
Utils/vjSingleton.h for VR Juggler original
singleton implementation and below
for the modified version).
The idea is the following: instead of calling the
vjKernel constructor, the method instance uses a
pointer sInstanceConstructor to an active constructor.
This pointer points to vjKernel's constructor if the
vjKernel class is not derived, and to
NetKernel's constructor if NetKernel derives from
The NetKernel class is a "derived singleton". It has
a specific instance method to set the
sInstanceConstructor base pointer. Because the
sInstanceConstructor pointer must be set before the
instance of NetKernel is created, the NetKernel
class has a static variable isRegistered. This
variable initialization changes the constructor pointed by
Singletons are used for other classes, like
vjDeviceFactory, so it is important that our
implementation stay compatible with VR Juggler singleton
system: if no derived class is provided the
sInstanceConstructor should point to the base
constructor. For that goal, vjKernel initializes the
static variable
sInstanceConstructor with vjKernel's constructor.
We now have to make sure that isRegistered is
initialized after sInstanceConstructor to set
sInstanceConstructor to the expected
constructor if a derived class is provided. We force a
proper order by initializing sInstanceConstructor with
a pointer assignment while isRegistered is initialized
with a function call. Compilers first initialize simple
variables, for example those without constructors or
function calls, and then complex ones. All compilers we are
working with respect this initialization order, but others
may not. Please contact us if you encounter such a
We also defined an "abstract singleton". An abstract
singleton differs from a normal singleton because it can not
be instantiated if no not-abstract derived class is defined
(see page
). The abstract
singleton is required by NetAPI, the Net Juggler
class defining the network interface.
- #define vjSingletonHeader( TYPE ) \
protected: \
typedef TYPE *vjSingletonPtr; \
typedef TYPE vjSingletonBase; \
typedef vjSingletonPtr vjSingletonConstructor(); \
static vjSingletonConstructor *sInstanceConstructor; \
static vjSingletonPtr constructor( void ); \
public: \
static TYPE* instance( void )
#define vjDerivedSingletonHeader( TYPE ) \
protected: \
static vjSingletonPtr constructor(); \
static bool registerSingleton(); \
static bool isRegistered; \
public: \
static TYPE* instance( void )
#define vjAbstractSingletonHeader( TYPE ) \
protected: \
typedef TYPE *vjSingletonPtr; \
typedef TYPE vjSingletonBase; \
typedef vjSingletonPtr vjSingletonConstructor(); \
static vjSingletonConstructor *sInstanceConstructor; \
public: \
static TYPE* instance( void )
#define vjSingletonImp( TYPE ) \
TYPE::vjSingletonConstructor *TYPE::sInstanceConstructor=TYPE::constructor; \
TYPE::vjSingletonPtr TYPE::constructor( void ) \
{ return new TYPE; } \
TYPE* TYPE::instance( void ) \
{ \
static vjMutex singleton_lock1; \
static TYPE* the_instance1 = NULL; \
if (the_instance1 == NULL) \
{ \
vjGuard<vjMutex> guard( singleton_lock1 ); \
if (the_instance1 == NULL) \
/*{ the_instance1 = new TYPE; }*/ \
{ the_instance1 = sInstanceConstructor(); } \
} \
return the_instance1; \
#define vjAbstractSingletonImp( TYPE ) \
TYPE::vjSingletonConstructor *TYPE::sInstanceConstructor=NULL; \
TYPE* TYPE::instance( void ) \
{ \
static vjMutex singleton_lock1; \
static TYPE* the_instance1 = NULL; \
if (the_instance1 == NULL) \
{ \
vjGuard<vjMutex> guard( singleton_lock1 ); \
if (the_instance1 == NULL) \
/*{ the_instance1 = new TYPE; }*/ \
{ the_instance1 = sInstanceConstructor(); } \
} \
return the_instance1; \
#define vjDerivedSingletonImp( TYPE ) \
TYPE::vjSingletonPtr TYPE::constructor( void ) \
{ return new TYPE; } \
bool TYPE::registerSingleton() \
{ \
printf("registering singleton " #TYPE "\n"); \
sInstanceConstructor=TYPE::constructor; \
return true; \
} \
bool TYPE::isRegistered=TYPE::registerSingleton(); \
TYPE* TYPE::instance( void ) \
{ \
return static_cast<TYPE*>(vjSingletonBase::instance()); \
For a proper display synchronization, all nodes should
synchronize to swap their frame buffers (swaplock). VR
Juggler does not include any swaplock support. It assumes
that the underlying system is responsible for swapping
synchronization. This is for example the case on an SGI
Onyx system. Net Juggler is aimed at running VR applications
on machines built of commodity components that usually do
not support swaplock. So Net Juggler includes a software
swaplock support.
VR Juggler rendering occurs as follow:
- drawmanager->draw(); // start drawing
drawmanager->sync(); // wait until frame is displayed on
// screen
For swaplocking we use a synchronization barrier that forces
the different nodes to wait each other before to swap their
frame buffers. This synchronization barrier is preceded by
a call to swapReady and followed by a call to
swap, two methods that were added to the
drawmanager class. The sequence of calls in the
NetKernel main loop is the following:
- drawmanager->draw(); // start drawing
drawmanager->swapReady(); // wait until rendering is finished
// and frame is ready to be displayed
netapi->barrier(); // synchronization with other nodes
// (swaplock)
drawmanager->swap(); // display frame on screen
drawmanager->sync(); // wait until frame is displayed on
// screen
For OpenGL, swapReady() is based on a call to
Swaplock for Performer is not yet supported.
Because we assume the communication library used may not be
thread safe, calls to the NetAPI are all performed by the
same thread (the kernel thread).
MPI implementations are not necessarily thread safe.
Depending on your MPI implementation, collective operations
may not be optimized for Net Juggler communication
requirements. For example the allgather operation is
typically implemented by having all processors shifting
messages in a ring. This is efficient for large messages,
but for small messages a gather followed by a broadcast is
generally more efficient.
The NetAPI_MPI class contains constants that are used
to select between different implementations (see
- NETAPI_MPI_BROADCAST: If set to 1 the
NetAPI_MPI:allGather method is implemented with the
MPI mpi_bcast function.
- NETAPI_MPI_BARRIER: If set to 1 the
NetAPI_MPI:allGather method is implemented with the MPI
mpi_barrier function.
- NETAPI_MPI_ALLGATHER: If set to 1 the
NetAPI_MPI:allGather method is implemented with the
MPI mpi_allgather function.
By default all theses constant are set to 1. Refer to the
code of the NetAPI_MPI class to know the other
implementations available. By changing the constant values
you can select different implementations. The
netapi_mpi_test program can be used to measure
Net Juggler Guide
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