SoftGenLock Manual:
Software Active Stereo and Genlock for Linux
Active stereo rendering requires multi display systems to
have their different video outputs genlocked, i.e. to have
their different video retrace signals synchronized. Active
stereo also requires quad buffering and left/right eye
buffer flipping synchronized with the video retrace.
Except for some high end cards, off-the-shelf graphics cards
do not support genlock. Especially for Linux, today's
graphics card drivers generally do not enable quad buffer
page flipped stereo.
The SoftGenLock library provides a software solution to
genlock and active stereo that does not require specific
hardware or access to the driver source code.
SoftGenLock can be used for:
- active stereo viewing on a single display,
- genlocking several displays driven by different
- active stereo viewing on a multi display system driven
by several computers (a Cave like environment driven by a
PC cluster for example).
SoftGenLock is currently available for Linux. There is no
plan to port SoftGenLock for Windows now. It should work
with any graphics cards having VGA registers. It was
successfully tested with NVIDIA and Voodoo cards.
SoftGenLock was originally designed to be used with Net
Juggler, a software harness to run VR Juggler on clusters
(See But it is totally
independent from Net Juggler and thus it should be possible
to associated it with any 3D environment.
How SoftGenLock basically works :
- It uses the VGA registers to flip the image
displayed (right/left eye).
- It uses the VGA registers to slow down the retrace by
adding extra invisible pixels. This is the way we
achieve genlocking.
- It uses the parallel port or the VGA port for NIVIDA card
to send the sync signal to the
- It uses the parallel port to execute a synchronization
barrier to measure how late ("out of genlock") a
machine is. Based on this data a machine can decide
to slow down its video retrace. When you launch SoftGenLock
you see a black line going from the bottom to the top
of the screen: this is the convergence phase of the
- It uses the VGA registers to know when the vertical no
retrace occurs.
- It runs as a real time kernel module so it can wake up
right when the vertical no retrace occurs (in fact a
fixed number of micro seconds before the end of the
vertical no retrace). Such precision can only be
acheived with a hard real time system. SoftGenLock
supports two of them : RT Linux and RTAI.
The main components required to install and run SoftGenLock
are, of course, shutter glasses (Elsa Revelator 3D
or StereoGraphics
CrystalEyes glasses for example), but also a real
time Linux kernel and a fast synchronization network.
SoftGenLock switches between the left and right eye images
displayed side by side on a virtual display twice as large
as the actual display resolution. If your actual display
resolution is 1024x768, then edit the
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file and add :
Virtual 2048 768
in the Screen section. Launch X.
Configure the 3D application to draw the 1024x768 left eye
image from the coordinate (0,0) of the virtual display and
the 1024x768 right eye image from the (1024,0) coordinate.
Instead of modifying XF86Config-4, you can copy it
in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.stereo and apply the
required modifications to this file. To force XFree to
use the stereo enabled configuration file uses :
startx - -xf86config XF86Config-4.stereo
SoftGenLock must be triggered at regular time intervals
(each video retrace) and its execution should not be
interrupted. This is achieved using a real time Linux
kernel. SoftGenLock supports RT Linux ( and
RTAI ( Both systems
requires to patch and recompile the Linux kernel.
Add in the section of the patched kernel for RTLINUX
in /etc/lilo.conf file the line :
and run lilo to update your system.
This option is forwarded to the kernel to disable NMI
watchdogs. If activated these watchdogs can crash your
system when SoftGenLock is running.
To start RT Linux (you must be super user) once the machine
booted with the patched kernel (check with uname -a):
rtlinux start
To stop RT Linux :
rtlinux stop
Add in the section of the patched kernel for RTAI
in /etc/lilo.conf file the line :
To start RTAI (you must be super user) once the machine
booted with the patched kernel (check with uname -a):
To stop RTAI :
SoftGenLock supports two ways to send the synchronization
signal to shutter glasses
SoftGenLock is able to send the sync signal on the pin 12 of
the VGA connector when using NVIDIA cards. Shutter glasses,
like Elsa Revelator 3D or StereoGraphics CrystalEyes
glasses for example, are sold with a special connector
to forward this signal to the shutter glasses.
On other way is to send the synchronization signal to
shutter glasses through the parallel port. Such cable is
not available on the market so you have to prepare one by
your own. We propose two solutions depending if you use
SoftGenLock with a single or multiple displays. We assume
you have shutter glasses with a mini-din 3 VESA connector.
If you use SoftGenLock with a single display only, build a
cable having on one side a male parallel port connector and
a mini-din 3 connector on the other side. Connect the pin 3
(stereo sync signal), 4 (power) and 18 (ground) of the
parallel connector with the pins 1,3,2 respectively of the
mini-din 3 connector (Table
Table 1:
The male parallel port connector and the female mini-din 3
\end{table}](img1.png) |
If you use SoftGenLock with multiple displays refer to
section 2.5.1.
If you only want to use SoftGenLock with a single display
skip this section.
SoftGenLock algorithm uses a fast synchronization barrier to
genlock the video signals. We propose two solutions using
parallel port based synchronization networks. Note that
because SoftGenLock is run as a real time kernel module, it
can only access a very limited set of devices. In
particular, it cannot access a classical network cards
(Ethernet or Myrinet for example). Thus, even if such
networks could be fast enough, their use is not possible
with SoftGenLock.
This is a simple solution that does not require any skill
other than thread solding. The network is a modified
parallel cable (ParaCable) with one master and 5 slaves. It is also
possible to integrate a mini-din 3 in the design to send the
sync signal to the shutter glasses. Here is the wiring
diagram of this cable :
Table 2:
The ParaCable wiring diagram
Master Node |
Slave 1 |
Slave 2 |
Slave 3 |
Slave4 |
Slave 5 |
Pin 2 |
Pin 15 |
Pin 3 |
Pin 15 |
Pin 4 |
Pin 15 |
Pin 5 |
Pin 15 |
Pin 6 |
Pin 15 |
Pin 15 |
Pin 2 |
Pin 13 |
Pin 2 |
Pin 12 |
Pin 2 |
Pin 10 |
Pin 2 |
Pin 11 |
Pin 2 |
Pin 18 |
Pin 25 |
Pin 19 |
Pin 25 |
Pin 20 |
Pin 25 |
Pin 21 |
Pin 25 |
Pin 22 |
Pin 25 |
Mini Din 3 |
Slave 1 |
Pin 1 |
Pin 3 |
Pin 3 |
Pin 4 |
Pin 2 |
Pin 18 |
The pins 2 to 6 correspond to the bit 0 to 4 of the data
register of the parallel port (output bits), while the pins
15,13,12,10,11 correspond to the bits 3,4,5,6 and 7
(inverted) of the status register (input bits). For more
details about the parallel port see
One possible design consists in pluging 6 female DB25
connectors and one mini-din 3 female connector on one board
(Fig 1). Connect them as described in the
diagram (table
). Each PC
connects on the board with a classical parallel port cable
(IEEE 1284) with 2 DB5 male connectors. The IR emmiter of
the shutter glasses connect on the mini-din.
Figure 1:
A board for the SoftGenlock synchronisation
network. Six DB35 connector are soldered on a copper
board. The master connector is on the right hand side.
Below the first slave (left-hand side), we can distinguish
the mini-din 3 connector for the IR emmiter of the shutter
With such a network, it is possible to synchronise the 6
machines in about 6
If you want to genlock only 2 machines and do not need the
mini-din 3 connector on the cable you can use a simple
laplink parallel cable.
It is probably not too difficult to connect more than 6 PCs
using several ParaCable but we did not explore in detail
such a solution.
A highly scalable synchronization network is obtained with a
TTL_PAPERS like synchronization network ( PCs are connected to a PAPERS box
through parallel port cables. A PAPERS box can typically
accept up to 4 PCs. Several boxes can be tree assembled to
connect an arbitrary large number of nodes. A 4 PC
synchronization takes only about 4
s. Each extra tree
level adds about a hundred of nano-seconds.
TTL_PAPERS like networks are not commercially available.
You thus have to build your own. Even if it is not really
difficult you should better have some skills in electronics.
Reserve this solution if scalability is critical for your
To enable SoftGenLock with NVIDIA graphics cards page
flipping must be disabled. Edit the
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file (or XF86Config-4.stereo)
and add :
Option "PageFlip" "0"
in the Screen section of the nv
The Ge force/ quadro 4 cards have 2 video outputs.
Softgenlock works properly with only one of these
output (the addresses of the vga registers of the other output
are not available). On the Ge force 4 SoftGenLock requires
to use the DVI ouptut.
Download the SoftGenLock distribution (
unzip and untar it:
gunzip softgenlock-version.tar.gz
tar -xf softgenlock-version.tar
The two main files you may have to edit to customize
SoftGenLock are Makefile and sgen_param.h
SoftGenLock configuration is controled by commenting in or
out the following variables in the Makefile :
- USE_FLIP: Enable left/right image flipping
- USE_GLASSES: Enable Stereo sync signal
generation. By default the signal is sent to the parallel
- USE_NVIDIA: Send the stereo sync signal to
the VGA DCC bit for NVIDIA graphics cards.
- USE_GENLOCK: Enable genlock.
- USE_MPI: Use a MPI synchronization barrier.
for genlocking. Cannot be used with a Real Time system.
synchronization network.
- USE_PARCABLE: Use the modified parallel
cable ParaCable.
- USE_RTLINUX: Use RT Linux (by default
SoftGenLock is compiled as a classical linux user proram)
- RTLDIR=/usr/rtlinux: Installation directory of RT Linux.
- USE_RTAI: Use RTAI (by default
SoftGenLock is compiled as a classical linux user proram)
- TOPDIR=/usr/src/rtai: Installation directory of RTAI.
- LINUXDIR=/usr/src/linux: Directory
of the linux kernel sources patched for RTAI.
- DEBUG: Verbose SoftGenLock for debugging.
SoftGenLock adjusts automatically most of the parameters
required for the algorithm. However some still need
manual tunning. Only 3 parameters may require adjustments
for a normal use of SoftGenLock: HSIZE, GLASS_LATENCY and
- HSIZE (1024 * 2): Horizontal resolution. If
display resolution is 1024*768*32 then HSIZE must be
set to 1024 * 4 (32 bits == 4 bytes).
VNEND (vertical no retrace end) occur SoftGenLock should
start to work.
before VNEND SoftGenLock should write the VGA card
- GLASS_LATENCY: Shutter glasses latency
(time required to flip the shutters). If the top lines
of your display are kind of blurry there is good chance
this value is not high enough.
- GENLOCK: Minimum time required to have the
genlocking algorithm working properly. GENLOCK should
be long enough so SoftGenLock has some time left before
VNEND to detect when small modifications of the video
signal (not detected by the screen) are required. If your
image seems unstable there is a chance this value is not
large enough.
- GENLOCK_TOLERANCE: How accurate genlocking
should be. If you put here 10
, SoftGenLock will
make everything possible so that all video retraces
start in a range of 10
Did you modify the Makefile ? Did you adjust the value of
HSIZE ? Did you boot your system with a linux kernel
patched for RTAI or RTLinux (check with uname -a) ? Ok
you can compile SoftGenLock :
make all
Did you started the real time system ? Did you plug your
glasses and the sync network , Did you launch X with the
double horizontal resolution ? Are you super user ?
Ok you can launch SoftGenLock.
For a first test put an Xterm window on the left side of the
virtual screen and nothing on the right side. Start
SoftGenLock and put the shutter glasses. Close the left
eye. You should not see the Xterm window. Congratulation,
you successfully installed SoftGenLock.
You just have to load the SoftGenLock module :
insmod softgenlock.o
To stop SoftGenLock unload the module:
rmmod softgenlock
On each machine load the SoftGenLock module:
insmod softgenlock.o
To stop SoftGenLock unload the module on each machine.
rmmod softgenlock
Note that once a machine stopped SoftGenLock the other
machines will wait for a while (few seconds) and stop
SoftGenLock, but the module is still loaded.
It is important to identify each machine according to
its role in the parallel cable :
- Master : node 0
- Slave 1 : node 1
- Slave 2 : node 2
- Slave 3 : node 3
- Slave 4 : node 4
- Slave 5 : node 5
On each machine load the SoftGenLock module with the rank
of the node and the total number of machine involved
(counting the master). For exemple if you whant to use 3
machines load the module on the :
- master : insmod softgenlock.o size=3 rank=0
- slave 1 : insmod softgenlock.o size=3 rank=1
- slave 2: insmod softgenlock.o size=3 rank=2
To stop SoftGenLock unload the module on each machine.
rmmod softgenlock
Note that once a machine stopped SoftGenLock the other
machines will wait for a while (few seconds) and stop
SoftGenLock, but the module is still loaded.
Stereo is not activated right after SoftGenLock is started,
because SoftGenLock first takes time to measure some internal
parameteres and sync itself with the vertical retrace. This
step may take few seconds. In the case you are using
muplitple displays it may stop itself during or after this
calibration step. This is a side-effect of a watchdog
machanism we integrated in SoftGenLock to avoid locking the
kernel while waiting in an endless synchronisation barrier.
If you are experiencing this problem increase the value of
the variable SGEN_COMM_EXIT_BARRIER_TIME in the
Comm/comm.h file.
Once SoftGenLock is working, wear the shutter glasses. If a
black line appears on one screen the genlock is not perfect
yet. But it may take some time for SoftGenLock to converge
to a genlocked state. As SoftGenLock progress, you should
see this black line progressively going up or down the
screen and them disapear. If the top lines of your
display(s) are kind of blurry there is good chance the
latency of your glasses is higher than what you put in the
sgen_param.h file. Increase the value of
GLASS_LATENCY. If you image seems unstable (image
flipping occurs after the video retrace started) try to
increase the value of GENLOCK in sgen_param.h.
SoftGenLock must be lauched after the 3D application. Doing
the opposite, SoftGenLock may fail to properly display in
stereo or genlock the displays. When launched, SoftGenLock
first starts to measure some parameters of the video signal
(retrace time for exemple). These parameteres may change
when you start X or a 3D appication. SoftGenLock is not
(yet) able to detect these changes and recalibrate itself.
We detail in the following how to install the SoftGenLock
module with the other Linux kernel modules. This install
eases starting/stopping SoftGenLock.
For each machine edit the /etc/modules.conf file and add the following
line with the correct values for the size and
rank options :
options softgenlock size=3 rank=1
Copy softgenlock.o into the
/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/misc directory
cp softgenlock.o /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/misc/.
Execute the thedepmod command. This command
identifies all other modules required to load softgenlock
(in particular the modules of the real time system).
Now to start SoftGenLock with the correct options
and the real time system you just have to tape in:
modprobe softgenlock
To stop SoftGenLock and to unload all modules
that become useless (the modules of the real time system):
modprobe -r softgenlock
Up to now we did not speak about using SoftGenLock without
a real time kernel. This possible. You just have to select
the good configuration in your Makefile. But because strong
restrictions apply to this configuration we reserve it for a
first test only.
When compiling SoftGenLock without a real time system,
SoftGenLock is a simple user program. Linux does not
guarantee SoftGenLock has access to the CPU when required,
i.e. during the vertical retrace, so flickers may affect
the stereo effect especially if the CPU has other programs
to run. In this case to run SoftGenLock just launch the
program (you need to be super user only if you use the parallel
- softgenlock for a single display
- softgenlock on each machine for multiple
displays and a TTL_PAPERS network
- softgenlock size=... rank=... on each machine
for multiple displays and ParaCable.
- mpirun -np ... softgenlock on one machine for
multiple displays and MPI. NOTE: we do not support
MPI any more. This solution requires MPI to be
installed. Note that MPI cannot be used with a real time
kernel (real time modules have very limited I/O
Each component of SoftGenLock corresponds to a directory
and each subdirectory to an implementation. Place your
custom code on a subdirectory and reference it in the
Makefile, and it should work... The required functions to
implement are documented in the .h header file in each
- Algorithm: main SoftGenLock algorithm. This
should not need modifications other than bug correction or
performance improvements.
- Comm: communication system
- Comm/ParaBox: parallel port synchronization network
- Comm/ParaCable: parallel cable
- Comm/MPI: use MPI_BARRIER for synchronization.
- Doc: Documentation
- Glasses: stereo sync signal for shutter glasses
- Glasses/DDC: SVGA DCC SDA pin 12 connector
(using functions in Graph/VGA).
- Glasses/ParallelPort: parallel port access.
- Graph: graphics card
- Graph/VGA: vga compatible cards
(with NVIDIA extension support).
- Main: main program
- Main/RTAI: RTAI module
- Main/RTLinux: RTLinux module
- Main/Standard: User level program
- MyTime: timer
- MyTime/i586: i586 cycle counter register.
- MyTime/None: no timer (this should not be used).
- MyTime/Posix: standard gettimeofday unix function.
- MyTime/RTLINUX: RT Linux timer.
- MyTime/RTAI: RTAI Timer.
- ParallelPort: parallel port access
- ParallelPort/Kernel: IO perms for kernel level programs
- ParallelPort/User: IO perms for user level programs
The SoftGenLock team includes Jérémie Allard (the
main programmer), Valérie Gouranton, Loïck
Lecointre, Sébastien Limet, Souley Madougou, Emmanuel
Melin, Olivier Riffaut, Laboratoire d'Informatique
Fondamentale d'Orléans, France, and Bruno Raffin,
Laboratoire Informatique et Distribution, Grenoble, France.
For problems and feedbacks use the SoftGenLock mailing lists
SoftGenLock Manual:
Software Active Stereo and Genlock for Linux
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